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Government and community services

Many of us need advice from time to time on things like our pension entitlements, how much can be earned whilst claiming Centrelink benefits, what NDIS entitlements may be and information about visa status and overseas travel. The following government departments may be helpful.

Centrelink 132 468

Immigration and Home Affairs 131 881

National Disability Insurance Scheme 1800 800 110

Passport Office 131 232


Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

Kidsline 1800 55 1800 or

Lifeline 131 114 or Text 0477 13 11 

Mensline 1300 78 99 78

National Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Counselling 1800 737 732

Rural Financial Counselling 1300 834 775

Seniors Rights 1300 368 821


Information on support for veterans


Language service

Translating and Interpreting Services 131 450


Legal services

Legal services are available for free for those on low incomes. 

LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529

Legal aid

You can find the Office locations for legal aid at


Help to Make Bushfire plans

Bush fire is a part of life in much of rural and regional New South Wales. So it is important to have a bush fire plan ready should you find fire approaching your area.

It is important that you know your risk and have a plan for what to do during a fire.

You can make your plan online in as little as five minutes at

You can also sit down with your family and discuss what you will do using the guide to making a bush fire survival plan. Go to


Community service information 

Funding for community groups is always welcome. Both the Federal and State governments offer a range of grants for various community activities. 

The NSW government has a dedicated webpage for grants that you can scroll through to see what is available.

Two grants currently available are:

Volunteer grants

Sporting grants


Local Council areas of Lyne

Further information about your local Council area can be found on the following websites


Community Hubs in Lyne electorate

To help you access community services that are near to you, My Community Directory has compiled links that will direct you to relevant services. Choose the Council area that is relevant to you, click on the link, and choose the specific location that is closest to you.

When you click on that location, you will find links to a range of services; click on the ones that are most relevant.

All of the listed 29 community hubs are in the Lyne electorate.

There is no specific community hub for the areas of Maitland that are in the Lyne electorate (Lorn, Largs, Bolwarra); residents of these suburbs would relate to the Maitland hub.

Karuah, Seaham, Brandy Hill, Wallalong, and Hinton are in the Lyne electorate.

Dungog, Clarence Town, Gresford, and Paterson are in the Lyne electorate.

Towns to the south and west of Port Macquarie are in the Lyne electorate. This includes Bonny Hills, Bonny Hills West, Camden Haven, Lake Cathie, Wauchope, and King Creek

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