Scammers cost everyday people, small businesses and volunteer organisations millions of dollars every year.
In our increasingly electronic age, we have seen the rise of scammers, people who want to trick you into handing over money to them. We all need to be aware of scams and remain alert to the tricks that scammers employ. You can find out about different types of scams at
You can also sign up for email alerts email about new scams and scam trends at
Accessing help if you've been scammed
If you have become the victim of a scam, support is available.
Contact your bank as soon as you can, and request they cancel any transfers of money. They can also help you try and recover funds.
If you find you need the help of financial counselling services available at or locate financial counsellor near you at
Further assistance can be obtained from
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636