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Volunteer Code of Conduct

This Volunteer Agreement outlines our mutual commitments and the standards of behaviour and expectations for the Standing For Lyne Pty Ltd (S4L) volunteers. It may be cancelled at any time by either of us.

S4L encourages positivity, fun and inclusion. We engage in respectful and productive dialogue and in the democratic process, with a wide range of voters in the electorate.

As a volunteer, I agree to the following and to behave in accordance.

S4L values their volunteers and will strive to provide you with:

  • an orientation and any necessary training for the volunteer role
  • a safe environment for you to volunteer
  • respect for your privacy, including keeping your private information confidential

In return, I agree to:

  • act positively and in the best interests of S4L
  • demonstrate honest and decent behaviour
  • be welcoming and inclusive of all
  • follow reasonable directions and instructions given to me
  • behave appropriately and courteously to S4L staff and the public during my role
  • notify S4L of any health and safety issues or potentially hazardous situations that may pose a risk to me or others, and report any accidents or incidents relating to staff, volunteers, or the location
  • use any property or equipment given to me safely and only for volunteering, and return it, as agreed upon.
  • keep all information confidential and especially if, during my duties, I work with people’s personal information in a database
  • a photo or video taken while carrying out my volunteer activities, being used for the purposes of marketing and promoting S4L until I notify S4L in writing to withdraw this approval. This may include the use of my image in printed and digital marketing and on social media platforms
  • comply with the law.

If at any time, I am uncomfortable with carrying out any volunteer activity that is assigned to me, I’ll reach out to my S4L Local Leader or S4L staff, who will do their best to accommodate me.

I understand that all duties are voluntary and I will not receive remuneration or payment for this work.

When you sign up to volunteer or RSVP for volunteer activities through the website you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the details in this Volunteer Agreement.

Thank you and welcome.

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