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What I Stand For

Jeremy Miller what I stand for

The policies I advocate for will be shaped by you. I will be transparent about what I support and why.  So even if you don’t agree with me, you’ll know why I am supporting it.

I am listening already to what you think, and I will continue to do that when elected through conversations, roundtables, forums, surveys – all the tools we’re using right now to listen to you and raise the issues that matter to you.

Below you’ll find my position on issues that people have raised with me. This list will grow as I continue to listen and learn from you through this campaign.

If you have ideas, thoughts or issues you’d like to raise with me. I’d love to hear from you. You can send feedback through our Contact page or come and say hello at our market stalls and events. And don’t forget to fill out the current survey so you can have your say.

Homes We Can Afford

We need to act now on housing - both for young families trying to get into the market and older residents wanting to downsize. That means fighting for our fair share of housing investment, investing in infrastructure that helps get more homes built, and making sure government programmes deliver for regional areas like ours. I’ll advocate for more social and affordable housing that works for smaller towns and rural communities so the homes are built where they are needed.


We all know someone who's struggled to get into a GP or had to travel hours for specialist treatment.  We can’t keep talking about it, we need to fix it.  I will work with the local medical professionals to develop a proper plan to get more doctors here and to develop telehealth hubs for better access for those who struggle with the technology or who don’t have internet access at home. 

We have a pilot program in our area that is getting doctors and nurses to stay in our community long term and that’s one of the practical, low-cost solutions that we need – we want to see someone that we know and trust, not a new face every time.  I’ll fight for funding to expand that program through our region.  I’ll work with Primary Health Network and local health groups to fight for funding to upgrade our hospitals and bring the new hospital services that we’ve been promised for too long.

I’ll also advocate for better funding for dental services. Too many locals are struggling with poor teeth which affects their health, keeps them in pain, undermines their confidence and makes life uncomfortable. No one should have to suffer because they can’t afford a dentist.

Climate change

I back a science-based response to climate change.  We are seeing the effects in the storms, floods, bushfires and coastal erosion that our region has suffered.  Our farmers know the effects of rapidly changing weather patterns.  I will fight for practical action - support for sustainable industries and proper management of our natural assets.  We need to support environmental and clean energy projects that benefit locals and make sure we get our fair share of the jobs and opportunities from this new economy.

Jobs & Opportunity

It’s time to stop talking about jobs and actually create them. That means immediately fighting for our share of government investment, backing our local businesses with practical support, and making sure government programs like Made in Australia deliver real opportunities here, not just in the cities.

Training & Education

Every day I talk to local business owners struggling to find skilled workers, while young people leave our region because they can't get the training they need here. As someone who's run local businesses and created jobs, I know we can fix this with funding for local training programs and regional university hubs, support for businesses to take on apprentices, and practical partnerships between our schools and local employers. We can create opportunities right here, give choices to young people and build a future where our kids can get the skills and education they need without leaving home.

Fixing Mobile Blackspots

In 2025, reliable internet and mobile coverage isn't a luxury - it's essential for business, education, and safety. But too many parts of our region are still struggling with poor service and black spots.

We have seen what a Community Independent can do in the regional seat of Indi.  They’ve delivered 50 new mobile phone towers just by fighting for the funding that is available.  We should be getting that funding too, but nobody is fighting for us. Let’s change that!

Fixing our Roads

Local Councils are being starved of Federal funding, meaning they don’t have the money that they need to fix our roads.  The Federal Government used to give 1% of tax revenue to Councils so they could fix roads and provide local services, but that funding has been halved over the years which puts more pressure on ratepayers.  Councils are now forced to rely on complicated and competitive grant applications that only benefit party politicians wanting to get photographed cutting ribbons in marginal seats. 

I will push to increase Federal Assistance Grants from 0.5% back to the 1% of Commonwealth taxation revenue like they used to be. This will give all Councils reliable funding to fix the roads and take pressure off ratepayers.


I won’t be doing any preference deals with anybody.  When you vote, how you allocate your preferences is up to you.  As your Independent voice, my only loyalty is to our community. I'll work with anyone who helps our region and stand up to anyone who doesn't.

Honesty and Integrity in politics 

Politicians should serve people, not parties or corporations. Instead, both major parties take millions in donations from corporations responsible for so many of our problems - including fossil fuel companies, supermarkets, banks and casinos.  Candidates from the major parties have to do what they’re told by head office.  As an independent I am free to stand up for our community. 

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